Produce an annotated database of Live News using Evernote and Google Docs/Sheets
You should use Evernote ( to create, manage and develop a database of clippings and/or other notes from a range of sources and data relevant to the themes of the module.
Your Evernote notebook must include at least 20 Evernote notes (no maximum).
Your notes should include:
Web clippings
Google Docs or other Word-processed file
Google Sheets or other Spreadsheet file
Multimedia content
Each Evernote note should be annotated with at least one paragraph of text in your own words. These annotations can be extra information or links, quotes (using Harvard Referencing style) or questions and ideas.
Your annotations should focus on:
The relationships between hardware and software and other computing actants
Explain how the technologies discussed in the story or information can enhance or change management functions.
The issues the story or information raises for business and/or organisations using computing technologies
You should use Evernotes affordances to link and add value to your entries.
How to submit:
Copy your annotations from Evernote into a single Google Docs document.
Add the PUBLIC URL* of your Evernote notebook.
Add your student ID.
Download the Google Docs document
Submit the completed document to Turnitin.
Submission must contain your text annotations, public URL of the Evernote notebook and student ID to be assessed. Only notes and annotations added before the hand-in date will be assessed
* To find your public URL:
Click i on top right corner of open Evernote notebook.
Select modify sharing button.
Select publish button. Copy the public URL.
Select done button.
Test by logging out of your Evernote account. Can you still access the notebook using the public URL?Total marks for assignment: 100Marking CriteriaPass: In order to achieve a pass, your Evernote notebook should include at least 20 notes and annotations. These should be from a range of sources. Your annotations should demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of the module and how they can help us understand the material you have curated
2.2: In order to achieve a 2:2 grade, your notebook should include a range of different digital data. You should use the affordances of Evernote to add value to these entries through the use of annotations, links, tags and other material.
2.1: In order to achieve a 2:1 grade, your annotations should be critical insofar as they demonstrate awareness of the sources you are using and how those sources fit into the information economy.
First: In order to achieve a First class mark, your notebook should form a critical database of structured material that brings together the themes of the module with the latest news, debates and discussions. Your annotations and use of Evernotes affordances should demonstrate an awareness of the potential and problems raised by networked data, news and information.
Introduction to computing

Introduction to Computing

Introduction to Computing
Order Description
“An actant in modern computing does not act in isolation.” Discuss.
To achieve this:
Select TWO computing news stories of your choice, published anytime between 01/09/2015 and 01/02/2016. Analyse these using Actor Network Theory.
Your analysis should be written as an essay, and include the following points:
Describe why Actor Network Theory is a relevant theory for studying computing.
Name and categorise the actants in your stories. Describe how they are “acting” in the assemblage.
Discuss how these actions can enhance management functions.
Outline what larger issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewp01oints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module.
Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement “An actant in modern computing does not act in isolation.”